I'm back with a vengeance and waiting to abuse you, after all my slaves its been a while. I think it's time I awakened your submissive inner-self and command you to look at how good I look in my new pictures. Not that I have to, I expect that you are feeling weak already. My rest has been very rewarding to me and I’m enjoying my power more than ever. I have returned revitalised and I am enjoying my comeback immensely. My desire to dominate is stronger then ever.
The thought of having my slaves trapped, under my control, never to escape is hugely satisfying to me. To have you stripped naked and demand you to become my sissy bitch sounds like absolute heaven. Teasing you until you cry as you're begging me for mercy is something I have definitely missed of late. I've also missed my naughty little boys; cheekiness is music to my ears. I just dare you naughty boys to come and try to be a bad boy with me.
I also want to remind novices that everyone has to start somewhere and that I am the Mistress who will guide and train you to become my perfect slave, all you need is to be brave and call me. My experience, as well as my beauty, will leave you always wanting and needing more. So now I have said my hello boys, go and enjoy my pictures and pick up that phone.
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